Tools for Corpus Linguistics

A hopefully comprehensive list of currently 285 tools used in corpus compilation and analysis.

This list is kept up to date by its users. Hence, please feel free to contribute by suggesting new tools.

You can also make suggestions, e.g., corrections, regarding individual tools by clicking the symbol. As this is a non-commercial side (side, side) project, checking and incorporating updates usually takes some time.

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Top 25 Tags

All Tags
concordancer 49
annotation 44
visualization 29
text analysis 20
tagging 20
pos tagger 18
wordlists 16
statistics 12
compilation 11
keywords 11
qda 10
collocation 10
lexis 8
parser 8
readability 8
tokenizer 8
frequency analysis 7
mixed methods 6
python 6
web-based 6
spoken 6
language learning 6
analysis 6
semantics 5
n-grams 5

There is also a comprehensive list of all tags in the database.

Tools [dependency parsing]

Tool Description Tags Platforms Pricing
MaltOptimizer A system for parser optimization using the open-source system MaltParser.parser, dependency parsingWindows, Mac, LinuxFree
MaltParser A system for data-driven dependency parsing, which can be used to induce a parsing model from treebank data and to parse new data using an induced model. parser, dependency parsingWindows, Mac, LinuxFree

Last Updated: December 30, 2024.

In case you are interested, the data is also available in JSON format.